Friday, September 23, 2011

Reality Hunger (Page 1-19)

Instruction of Reality Hunger: A Manifesto from Wikipedia

Every artistic movement from the beginning of time is an attempt to figure out a way to smuggle more of what the artist thinks is reality into the work of art. (The situation)

Zola:"Every proper artist is more or less a realist according to his own eyes."

All the writing takes place in the editing room.

In antiquity, the most common Latin term for the essay was experior, meaning "to try, to rest, experience, prove."

Before the Industrial Revolution, culture was mostly local; niches were geographic.
Comment: before Industrial Revolution, transportation was not convenient. Information could not be spread rapidly and effectively.

The origin of the novel lies in its pretense of actuality.

The world itself is no longer our private property, hereditary and convertible into cash.

The aim of science is the discovery of truth, while the aim of literature is the production of pleasure.

Collage, the art of reassembling fragments of preexisting images in such a way as to form a new image, was the most important innovation in the art of the twentieth century.

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