Friday, October 7, 2011

Reality TV: a dearth of talent and the death of morality

Success on this scale insists on being examined, because it tells us things about ourselves; or ought to.

It is good to be bad.

Add the contestants’ exhibitionism to the viewers’ voyeurism and you get a picture of society sickly in thrall to what Saul Bellow called “event glamour”.

If we are willing to watch people stab one another in the back, might we not also be willing to actually watch them die?
Comments: “Reality” TV with “direct” appearance is essentially unreal.  To a certain extent, all humans are voyeurs. These “voyeurs” want to watch something “evil” to fulfill their emotional needs. So participants in reality TV become devious, exhibitionistic and bad in order to achieve their final goal—fame. For the participants, they, on the screen, are not their real selves since they will do something that they will not do in their daily life. For the society, the mean and lying people on the show are not able to motivate the “voyeuristic” viewers to improve society.

 There are also some Reality stars in China. The following is a video in Youtube talking about the two China’s most hated Reality stars.

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