Thursday, December 8, 2011

Final Portfolio

Total 12 pieces

O/N:  #1 presentation, #2 street art, #3 video/ audio
W#1 blog post, #2 Banksy Essay, #3 transcripts, #4 Final Essay
V: #1 Prezi, #2 Banksy project and photo essay, #3 Video, #4 blog
E: #1 prezi/post, #2 photos, #3 audio/ video, #4 blog
Choose draft and final version to illustrate these categories. Items cannot be repeated.

For my portfolio:
O/N: Prezi Presentation
W: Final Essay
V: Banksy Project (Photos not using as first draft)
E: Real Talk (Audio/Video)

Monday, December 5, 2011

Outside Sources Used In Final Essay

1. “Every page is a bent version of reality” (Shields 94)

Shields, David. Reality Hunger: A Manifesto. New York: Vintage Books, 2011. Print.

2. “Facebook are most often used to connect with individuals people know from offline environments, rather than for meeting new people online” (Papacharissi 253).  

Papacharissi, Zizi. A Networked Self: Identity, Community And Culture On Social Network Sites. New York: Routledge, 2011.Print.

3. “The little snippets coalesce into a surprisingly sophisticated portrait of your friends’ and family members’ lives, like thousands of dots making a pointillist painting” (Watkins 67).

Watkins, S. Craig. The Young And the Digital: What the Migration to Social-network Sites, Games, And Anytime, Anywhere Media Means for Our Future. Boston: Beacon Press, 2009.Print.

4 .In just 20 minutes on Facebook, over 1 million links are shared and almost 3 million messages are sent (Hepburn).
Hepburn, Aden. “Facebook Statistics, Stats & Facts For 2011.”, 18 Jan. 2011. Web. 5 Dec. 2011.

5.  Banksy. “Palestine Chairs.”, n.d. Web. 9 Oct. 2011.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Notes of Verbatim Transcription

When two speakers speak at the same time, indicate this with /, as in:
N: Yes, I have been /living here
K: /Oh you have?
N: for three years.
I.e. ‘living here’ and ‘oh you have’ were said at the same time and N continued on his sentence without stopping.

Use = when two lines come directly after one another without a gap, e.g.
K: Did you like her? =
N: = Yes!
That is a very fast reply.

For short pauses add a full stop, each one representing a second. For pauses longer than 4 seconds, put time in brackets and italicised e.g. [6 second pause]

Monday, November 7, 2011

Class Notes (Nov.4&Nov.7)

In-class key words: Unwieldy & Trill (slang: true+real)
"Black Men and Public Space"

The relationship between assumptions based on appearances and realities.

1. Pragmatic/survival
2. Principles.

Saturday, November 5, 2011


Shields (Page 87-105)

Art is theft.

In many ways, hip-hop was born out of the Jamaican idea of turning record-playing into an art form.
Reality-based art hijacks its material and doesn’t apologize.

We want rougher sounds, rougher images, raw footage, uncensored by high technology and the powers that be.
Does this mean that we want “reality”?

Realness is not reality, something that can be defined or identified. Reality is what is imposed on you; realness is what you impose back.

Cultural and commercial languages invade us 24/7.

We seldom legislate new technologies into being. They emerge, and we plunge with them into whatever vortices of changes they generate.

My favorite hip-hop song this year is I Need a Doctor singled by American hip-hop artist Dr. Dre. The song features guest appearances from American rapper Eminem and singer Skylar Grey. This song actually told the real story about Dr. Dre and Eminem. 

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Short Response (Fragment 278, Reality Hunger)

Do Facebook and MySpace reflect the reality? To some extent, they do reflect the reality since people record their daily life, activities, ideas and feelings on the pages. Facebook and MySpace are new ways for people to communicate with each other not just through words but also pictures and videos. On these pages, people can express themselves freely. However, just like the fragment says, “Every page is a bent version of reality.” Some of my friends are different from the real world when using Facebook. Some of them are shy in real world but become good talkers on the internet. Some other people may be too self-conscious and then use software such as Photoshop to edit their photos and post them on their own pages, which cannot be considered as Reality.  The fragment also mentions user-made content on YouTube. Some common people who want to be superstars make their own video then post on YouTube. If the video is interesting enough and can attract lots of viewers, the video-maker can eventually become famous. Also, people who are not singers can become “singers” using Karaoke. As my own experience, when I am singing by using Karaoke, I can sing in my own way to express my unique feeling of this song. In other words, I become self-conscious in those three or four minutes.